You may be wondering what lessons can popcorn really teach entrepreneurs? Well, it so happens, popcorn can teach us quite a lot. If you think about the kernel of a popcorn, it is the essence of entrepreneurship. A seemingly inert substance that sits in dormancy, yet full of potential, until the right conditions are in place.
It never ceases to amaze me that such a simple little kernel can explode into such a puff of joy and delight. For entrepreneurs it starts with a vision, an apparently inert entity that has no real form or shape. All the ideas initially are internal, out of view of others. Similar to the kernel of a popcorn, we don’t see all of what is inside for what might be a very long time until one day…. With the right time, the right amount of heat, the right ingredients, we get a popcorn!
I shared on my Instagram feed a post on the three lessons popcorn can teach entrepreneurs. Here are the three lessons, but there are many more. Share what lessons popcorn teaches you about entrepreneurship in the comments below. In the meantime, what do you think I want to eat right now? It is popping as I write – the ultimate guilt-free comfort food for entrepreneurs – celebrating the power of popcorn!
Now it’s your turn to share. What lessons would you add to this list? In the meantime, it’s time to celebrate National Popcorn Day with – the obvious! Popcorn, the favorite snack of entrepreneurs.
As a party favor, here is a free gift for you to encourage you to super charge your potential with the Super Charge Your Year with Scripture 2022 Printable Desk Calendar.